I only garden during the spring and summer, so in the winter, my body doesn't get them same 'workout'.
This year, I found myself paying closer attention to how it felt while
bending over to plant seedlings;
twisting to hoe;
reaching to pull weeds;
pulling to unwind the water hose;
and, as you may have guessed, it all effected my back.
You see, our spine and core are the foundation of all our movements. It needs to be strong in order for us to move well and effectively. If you know anything about the physics of torque, the most effective force is applied to a lever arm that is perpendicular and stable - the lever arm is our spine. If the lever moves while force is applied, the results aren't what you want (or expect!).
Perhaps I lost you there. Think about it this way, you know that perpendicular has a 90 degree angle, so glance at the picture above and look for that angle - see it? Neither do I. That back is rounded. In a nutshell, don't use this photo as exemplary movement. This back is not an efficient lever for the work it is being asked to perform...
And how will you know if you are using good mechanics in the garden without a full length mirror to show you? The answer is, you'll FEEL it. If you stand up at some point and have to hold your back, you know there is an imbalance. If you stand up and you don't get all the way up, again, you know there is an imbalance.
To keep your garden healthy, keep your back healthy - garden for shorter periods of time and do so more frequently (not all at once) to give your back time to get stronger. Keep it straight, the same upright shape the spine has when standing erect.
If you find maintaining good posture and alignment to be difficult while you're pampering vegetables or mending soil, schedule a complimentary 15 minute Get-BACK-to-Gardening session at www.bodywisebodywork.com.